There are religions that oppose technology, there are few of them, but some are stubbornly against them, even finding them godless and absolutely unhealthy – for example, take the Amish, who always ride in horse-drawn carriages, and they are doing very well. new technology, right? Fortunately, in the United States we allow freedom of religion, although we cannot fully understand why they hold such beliefs. There’s a little intrigue about this, and I’m sure sometimes we want all of us to be able to simplify our lives and turn it off for a day.
But not so long ago I had a similar conversation. “Just because someone is a strong religious follower doesn’t mean that modern technology is opposed,” a friend recently reminded me. Yes, I think so, but we also need to understand that technology is quite often a threat to organized religion, like the Internet. Perhaps that is why many countries whose governments are based on religious lifestyles or even nationalist motives to replace religion are wary of information that belies their ideological treatment of the people who wake them up.
However, I asked, to the best of my knowledge, would he defend that view or just draw my attention to the reality that others were arguing about? I think it depends on what the definition of the modern one is and what religion we can talk about. I mean, the modern one looks like a fork in the road, you assume it’s somewhere, but you don’t see the next climb, the hill, the intersection of the dry river, the next turn, or maybe it’s right after the next boom, we passed it in the fog and missed the turn, you know?
Nationalism can often replace religion, but the same reality can be true because technology is a threat and good to the stability of society or civilization, especially the modern destructive technologies that you see. Now let’s go on and take an example here, okay? Iran is a fundamentalist nation, in fact it is the “Islamic Republic” and responsible people are fundamentalists, but nevertheless they love technology and want everything they can get.

Maybe that’s why the Iranian regime came up with a plan to use nuclear energy, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons and any technologies it can get, right? Therefore, it would be unreasonable to assume that clerics oppose modern technology, even if it poses a great risk to their future existence, information is a force, and if religion suppresses that power of people, then perhaps it is not a guarantee of long-term stability with a lot of modern technology – especially computer and Internet technologies. Think about it and think about it all.
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